Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Fish Doorbell at Weerdsluis Utrecht - Live Stream (Spring only)

The concept of the Utrecht  at the Weerdsluis is as simple as it is effective: if you see a fish appear in front of the underwater camera on the livestream via, you can press the bell digitally. If you do this, the lock keeper will receive a notification and he or she can open the gate, allowing the fish to continue their underwater journey.

About the fish doorbell:
Fish are an important part of the water in Utrecht: rivers, canals and canals. They eat water insects and help maintain good water quality. That's why we help fish on their annual migration to a good place to lay eggs and reproduce. We do that with the fish doorbell. With this you, as a resident or visitor of Utrecht, can give the fish a helping hand. By pressing the fish doorbell, you signal to the lock keeper that there are fish waiting to swim through. He can then decide to open the lock. Normally that didn't happen often in the spring. Now that is possible every day. In this way, together we ensure that fish do not have to wait as long for the Weerdsluis. That's good, because it reduces their risk of being eaten by other animals, such as herons and cormorants.

Slechtvalken Enka Ede - buiten  - binnenScheveningen Boulevard en Beach


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